Government Enforcement, White Collar & Criminal

Criminal law, not criminal defense.

We are criminal law practitioners, not criminal defense attorneys. We get involved in government enforcement, white collar and criminal matters when there is the potential for collateral consequences. For this reason, our government enforcement, white collar and criminal practice incorporates our investigations and crisis management practices.


To us, every government investigation, white collar or criminal case we take on is a priority. Once engaged, we respond immediately, opening our own comprehensive investigation and opening a dialogue with the Government.  Although statistics tell us most corporate criminal, white collar and criminal matters do not proceed to trial, we approach every case from the start as if it is going to trial. That attention to detail and level of preparation ensures readiness for trial, but also allows open and productive discussions with prosecutors often enabling cases to be resolved.


Our government enforcement, white collar and criminal experience includes the representation of clients under investigation, arrested or formally charged. We have also represented clients previously represented by other firms and who, following a plea or trial, have since been convicted. Our experience also includes the representation of witnesses in investigations as well as representation of victims in cases in which we have conducted investigations and presented cases to prosecutors to be filed against the defendants. Substantively, our experience includes white collar and corporate crime, fraud and money laundering, cybercrime, violent crime, sanctions violations and asset forfeiture. To be certain, however, it is the client and not the crime which is most determinative of the cases in which we become involved.


Represented a company under investigation for violating North Korea sanctions.

Represented the U.S. branch of a foreign bank in a dispute with federal agents and Justice Department prosecutors.

Represented a foreign official under investigation.

Represented a politician under investigation.

Represented the former president of a country’s football association in the FIFA investigation.

Represented an international businessman under investigation for money laundering.

Represented an international businesswoman arrested and formally charged with grand theft.

Represented a broker dealer formally charged with conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud.

Represented an international student arrested and formally charged and facing life in prison.

Represented an international student arrested and facing 30 years in prison.

Represented an individual charged criminally and civilly with planting a hoax bomb and making a false bomb threat.

Represented a non-U.S. citizen who had previously represented by other counsel from another law firm and had been convicted and was now ordered removed from the U.S.

Represented the chairman of a public company.

Represented a managing director of a global consulting firm.

Represented a health care professional facing disciplinary sanctions, to include possible revocation of her credentials.

Represented the former president of a country’s football association in the FIFA investigation.